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You are permitted by Australian Law to disinfect your tweezers after every client! Now you can have your disinfection box on standby. __________________________

  • Remove any adhesive from tweezers with acetone, (we also have tweezer cleaner which can assist in the removal)
  • Using warm soapy water, scrub your tools with a dish brush and rince under warm water.
  • Place the tools on a lint free cloth and allow them to air dry.
  • Once they are completely dry it is time to disinfect;
  • Semi- fill the container with chosen liquid.
  • Allow the tweezers to soak, depending on what disinfectant your using will depend on soak time so weather it be Isopropyl Alcohol / Barbicide etc make sure you check the soak time and use as directed - If left for longer periods, it may cause the solution to eat away at the protective layer and corrode your tweezers.
  • After the time is up remove the tweezers and allow them to air dry.


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